Financial Policy
You can depend on receiving the highest quality dental care possible in a warm and caring environment at the offfice of Doug Booth, DDS. Your comfort and well-being are extremely important to us... and those concerns definitely extend into the payment options that are available to you. Our goal is to provide you with as many reasonable financial options that we can for you to achieve your dental health goals.
We offer the following payment options:
Dental Insurance
As a courtesy to you, we will complete and file any applicable dental insurance forms for you and accept assignment of benefits as payment for up to 60 days.
Your dental insurance contract is between you and your insurance provider. There is no business arrangement between your insurance provider and our practice; we only work with your insurance as a courtesy to you. We make every effort to get your insurance company to pay you what your contract states you deserve to be paid. Any disputes with your insurance company or any delay in payment requires your attention.
During the course of your treatment you will receive monthly statements if you have a balance. Statements are rendered so you will receive them by the 1st of the month with full payment due on the 10th. Any balance after this date will be subject to a finance charge of 1.5%.
We hope this clarifies our office policy regarding your payment options. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our business office staff at (256) 533-4770.
Cash, check, Visa, or MasterCard on the day of service.
Assignment of Insurance benefits accepted in lieu of payment for 60 days with payment of estimated patient portion on date of services.
For treatment plans with estimated fees greater than $750, we offer a 5% courtesy discount for cash or check payment in full BEFORE treatment is begun. The office of Dr. Doug Booth, DDS will not accept assignment of benefits with this option. If you take advantage of this option, any insurance benefit would be paid to you instead of assigning benefits to our office.
Please be advised that dental insurance, unlike medical insurance, will rarely cover 100%, and will usually only cover 50% of the fee for your treatments. You will need to pay your estimated co-payment the day of your treatment.
After 60 days, if your insurance has not paid, then you will be expected to pay your balance.